Effects of COVID-19 on education system:
There is no denying that the pandemic COVID-19 has sparked changes in every aspect of human life. Things that a person has been doing for all their lives now seem a case of luxury. Even if one evaluates the stuff they were doing on an everyday basis, and the changes that have taken place in them are nothing short of shocking and surprising. With changes in every aspect, from economy to lifestyle, health, infrastructure, how can the industry of education be left behind? It will not be wrong to say that the global pandemic has shaken up the foundation of not just education in India but all over the world.

With 95% of universities, schools, and colleges being shut down from the last 4-5 months almost across the world, online education has emerged as a lifesaver. Even though this form of teaching has undoubtedly brought many significant changes in the lives of students, teachers, and parents, it is crucial to understand that this is the only way to ensure the growth and complete utilization of the time and potential of students all around the world.
Advantages of closed caption/subtitles in online education:
Since the only way to go around and about online education in India is through videos, seminars, and live classrooms, certain factors must be kept in mind while conducting them. Now clearly, in the case of online classes, certain limitations are subjective. But if the mode of education is through the use of videos, then the students and the teachers, get a better platform to make things clear with the right sue of subtitles/ closed captions.
It will not be wrong to say that many times videos are not enough to establish a proper and definite mode of imparting education. These could be because of the difference in the accents, pronunciations, and the speed of teaching. Captions and subtitles are definitely an additional tool that does wonders in providing the students with the right window to go through every single word and establish a better understanding.
You might be surprised to know that in many countries, subtitles and captions are compulsory, and not providing the students with these can be illegal and a breach of the law. Let’s have a look at some of the advantages of subtitles and closed captioning.

Education is a complex process that is a blend of hearing, understanding, and interpreting. Since every student has their speed, subtitles and captions make this entire process easier and simpler for them. They are at liberty of interpreting things as per their understanding and time.
Again, there are different types of students, while for some, it might be easier to understand teaching through images. Others might feel more comfortable with voice and image communication. Subtitles and captions provide the right platform for the students to understand what is being discussed in class.
Last but not least, there is no denying that subtitles and captions are a booster for those who are suffering from hearing impairments.
The times we are in right now screams out for many changes and evolutions in every sector. To ensure that one stays abreast with the present time and gets a chance to work on their future, subtitles and captioning in the education system are the only way to do so.
Infoesearch is providing closed captioning services for online learning platforms. The company provides subtitling services for those who speak English, French, Spanish, and any other international languages.
In this era of Digitalization, the demand for multimedia content has increased substantially. Close captioning service is one such content that is required by people from different countries based on their language preferences. Infoesearch has a team of skilled language professionals who provide live subtitling services to various E-learning platforms.